Casey Anthony investigator involved in discovery of “bloody sheet” and ‘El Chapo’

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 30, 2016, 11:56 A.M. CST

Dominic Casey, the private investigator who once worked for Casey Anthony, has stated in an Affidavit to the Florida Court that George, Cindy and Lee Anthony me with a convicted drug trafficker for the Mexican Drug Lord "El Chapo."

 “On the way to meet the attorney they were taken to meet Pete (Pedro) Beneviedes, a convicted drug trafficker and money launderer for “El Chapo” – the Mexican Drug Lord and head of the Sinaloa Cartel,” PI Casey said.

El Chapo

The meeting involved “reward money”.

In 2009, William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), Rev. Richard Grund’s private investigator that interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation, told Jessica Clark of First Coast News that his bills were paying paid by a “reformed drug dealer from Miami”.

The implications of Dominic Casey’s revelations about El Chap have a profound effect on the evidence stream connecting the Caylee Anthony murder with the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping, which includes a “bloody sheet” taken into police evidence.   


Although never reported by the news, PI Casey was heavily involved in the investigation into the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings. The five year-old from Satsuma, Florida girl was reported missing from her father’s home on February 10, 2009.

PI Casey was involved in the location of a “bloody sheet” found in the woods and taken into evidence by law enforcement. He was working with Detective Peggy Cone, the lead detective on the HaLeigh Cummings Task Force at the time.

PI Casey and Det. Cone had another private investigator, William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), under surveillance. 

William Staubs (Cobra) interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation at the direction of Rev. Richard Grund (the father of Casey Anthony’s former fiancé Jesse Grund.)

Grund told both the Orange County Sheriff's Office detectives and Write Into Action there was a conspiracy to plant semen and pubic hair on Caylee Anthony’s body that would implicate Jesse Grund.

The suspicious assertion by Rev. Grund and Cobra about semen and pubic hair being planted on little Caylee's remains were dwarfed by the bizarre ‘funding’ of Cobra's involvement in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation by a "drug dealer from Miami".

And…a bloody sheet.

During a recorded interview with Write Into Action, Cobra recalled the moment he, his son Matthew Staubs, and a man named Jeremiah Regan found a bloody sheet in the woods.    

“[Dominic Casey] called up Jeremiah Regan on the phone and told him to step away from me. Well when he answered the phone, Jeremiah looked dead at me – my eyes met his eyes and he looked to the ground. And he turned around and he walked off talking on the phone,” Staubs said.  

William Staubs said he and his son then left the scene before the police arrived.  

“As we were riding up to Mee Maw from the HaLeigh Bug Center I said to [Matthew Staubs] ‘if I’m correct – within about a minute – two minutes – I give them three minutes, this is pretty hot – he’s ‘what dad what’ – I said the cops car as going to go blazing down this fucking road right here - you watch and see. And all of a sudden there goes two cop cars,’” William Staubs said.

William Staubs said Regan was in one of the cars and Matthew Staubs asked him why they had “Jeremiah” in custody.

“I said they don’t have Jeremiah son. There taking Jeremiah over there to that part of the woods to recover that fucking sheet,” Staubs said.

Staubs talked to Regan after the sheet was taken into evidence and asked him who called him on the phone.

“He said that was Dominic Casey. I said what did Dominic Casey say to you? He said step away from Cobra right now. That means that he is – that means that he is watching some place. He said to step away from you and call this lady Peggy Cone. I said who the fuck is Peggy Cone. She’s a detective. I said is that the detective that came and picked you up. He goes ‘yep.’ I said what did she say to you bro? She said I needed to stay away from you or I was going to find myself in jail with you and he started shaking. He said remember that sheet I told you was evidence. I said yeah. He said ‘she recovered it’. I said she did what? I said she took it into custody – I told you it was blood,” Staubs said.

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